
Supporting Science

Thanks so much for getting us over the line in style! It’s great that the highs and lows of the project can now be properly presented and give us real learning
We worked with Rounders England, Ready Steadt Active and Yorkshire Sport Foundation to collect insight about the role Rounders can play in tackling inactivity.

Yorkshire Sport Foundation

Data and learning gathered over a six-year period not only changed the way in which YSF used its resource, but the research always influenced national practice amongst other Active Partnerships and national sporting bodies.
We supported YSF to learn from different approaches to Place Based Working. We helped them to understand what works and doesn't when considering place based ways of working.

Move Together

Thank you so much, this is an excellent report! I completely agree with your learning points.... The quotes are extremely powerful and useful for us to use going forward both for our business case for long-term funding and external comms.
We evaluated an innovative person centred approach that provided people with help to get them moving post Covid-19.

Energise Me

Thank you for all your work on this. I really appreciated your thoughtful questioning and support throughout the process… Look forward to working with you again soon!
We have supported learning work around two pilot projects. One to understand the value of physical activity navigation and one looking at Place Based Learning.

Active Gloucestershire

We evaluated the Together Fund helping Active Gloucestershire understand the value of small pots of funding to help bring different types of physical activity to new audiences.
We have worked with PLCF for over 10 years. Most recently we evaluated the Premier League Professional Footballers Association Community Fund.