Evaluations that don’t leave you feeling lost
At Shephard & Moyes, we’ve been evaluating and supporting the public and charitable sectors for over a decade. Our evaluations give you a clear understanding of how you’ve really made a difference, along with what you can do to move forwards and get even better at doing good.
What we do
Evaluation and learning is at the heart of what we do. We use evaluations to help you make the good work you do go even further.
Organisational Support
We can help you to reflect on your work and better support the communities you serve.
Training & Support Hub
Our hub collates all our skills and experience from evaluating and supporting projects of all shapes and sizes in one handy location.
Online training for your evaluation journey
We know that sometimes finding the time and money to do evaluation is hard. That’s why we wanted to make our support more accessible to more organisations. Our online hub provides access to all the training you need about monitoring and evaluation.
Shephard & Moyes have supported us on our journey to become a learning organisation. They’ve been providing us with top-notch evaluations that focus on use and bring in different stakeholders, including our team, to improve our work and impact.
Some of the organisations we’ve worked with
Get in touch
We’re always happy to provide informal support or share more about what we do. Feel free to drop us a note or get in touch to find out more about how we can help.